Obama's Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton says that the Obama administration will not waver in their stance towards Asia. Now facing tensions with both Japan and China, Clinton says the US will not compromise on already agreed arrangements or human rights ideals. Japan recently underwent a change of governmental authority, and the new prime minister Yukio Hatoyama says he wishes to remove the US Marine Corpes Air Station from Japan all together, rather than the previously agreed upon move to a less populated area of Japan. China is still stagnated in relations with the US, especially over human rights, climate change, and their newly successful test of missile launchers.
I think it is of vital importance that the US maintain if not good, then stable relationships with the major Asian countries because no matter how much we don't like it, Asia is growing in wealth and power, and if they decided to attack America, it would be highly devastating. I think we could show a little more compromise on the issue with Japan, but I feel that we should stand firm for the rights of the oppressed citizens of China and Tibet. Fold once, and it'll never seem to stop.
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