Weatherproof Garment Company has apparently overstepped the boundaries of the president's picture in the public eye. The company has purchased a billboard in Times Square that displays an image of Obama wearing one of Weatherproof's jackets at the Great Wall of China. The picture was purchased legally and in no way insinuates that the President is endorsing the clothing company. However, the White House is requesting, more like insisting, that the advertisement be taken down. The White House says they wish to avoid as much as possible, the use of the President's image in any type of commercial industry.
I understand the White House's position. I don't think it's wise that the President become associated with an commercial industry, because it really is an abuse of power in my opinion. I think it would be unfair, and a waist of the President's time to be spent in commercial/marketing venues. However, I also do not think that the White House has the authority to require that the company to remove the image. The company is not in violation of any legal, commercial law seeing as Obama does not own the photo. Plus, I agree with the company that it is essentially their First Amendment write to publish what they want, wherever they want.
Obama is more of a celeberty than a president haha. I agree with the white house they sould take that down because he is not endoring the product and he should be seen as being involed in the commercial industry.