"Bush Returns to Public Spotlight" by Peter Baker - NYTimes
Former President George W. Bush has launched the George W. Bush Institute on the campus of Southern Methodist University. The institute will promote freedom, education, and economic opportunity. In addressing the new institute, Bush did not make note of any of the more controversial events of his presidency (such as the War in Iraq) or his opinions of current President Obama.
I think it is quite noble of Bush to donate this facility that promotes common values like education and financial well-being. Although it may have been in self-preservation, the fact that he declined to comment on the controversial issues seems to me as progress in his defensive ways. During his presidency Bush was very reactionary when any mention of the war or weapons of mass destruction was made - he felt the need to aggressively defend all of his actions as the correct ones. However, this time, he very passively let it go by, and focused on the real issues that pertain to not only the conservative students of SMU, but also, America's general public as well.
Southern Methodist University
Gwen no matter what Bush does you will not like it. It was great of him to promote education and it has nothing to do with a lasting image. Bush was the one at the bedside of Forthood shooting victums before Obama was ever there. Obama was only there to demote the situation while Bush was actually paying attention to the victums.