The world's largest computer chip company, Intel, is being sued by the US Federal Trade Commission for illegally attempting to thwart the success of other computer chip companies. Prosecutors say that Intel made "illegal threats" to other companies in order to maintain market superiority. This is not the first suit of this kind being made against the company, they have had at least three previous investigations in the recent past, but all have been settled or dropped. Intel's main targets are Dell, Hewlett-Packard and IBM.
I think it is vital that we maintain a fair market system in this country because we are looked to as an example for other nations trying to promoter economic freedom. I am glad that an actual federal organization is looking into this case because I think it will be more successful because Intel can't simply ignore their inquiries. I also think this is a reflection of the state of our economic climate in this country however. It is startling to me to realize that even the most powerful computer chip company in the world is too greedy to actually follow the rules, even though doing such would not hinder their profits. If American companies are permitted to continue along in this extraordinarily greedy manner, I don't believe that there is any hope of securing a truly free market system.